An improved technology for the local treatment of industrial wastewater of a meat processing plant is proposed for the intensification of cleaning processes and an increase in the efficiency of local treatment of industrial wastewater of a meat processing plant according to the indicators: HSC, SPAR, phosphates, ammonium nitrogen, fats, and obtaining purified water in accordance with regulatory requirements at discharge into the city sewer. According to the proposed technology, industrial wastewater after the existing grease trap and concentrator is pumped to reactive flotation using an alkaline reagent and coagulant - aluminum sulfate, with the production of coagulant flakes as a result of coagulation, removal of pollutants from water and separation of phases in the form of flotation sludge and sediment and purified water with quality indicators in accordance with regulatory requirements. The flotation sludge formed during wastewater treatment is diverted to a collector and taken away, and the sediments are recommended to be dewatered on a filter press and taken away. On the basis of the performed experimental studies, it was established that when aluminum sulfate is used as a coagulant at a dose of 250-300 mg/dm3 at a pH of 7-7.5, the effects of cleaning industrial wastewater of a meat processing plant are: water - 460-670 mg/dm3; suspended substances - 90-95%, the content of suspended substances in purified water - 10-23 mg/dm3; SPAR - 88%, SPAR content in purified water - 0.43-0.08 mg/dm3; phosphates - 62-65%, phosphate content in purified water - 3.6-5.4 mg/dm3; ammonium nitrogen - 40-42%, ammonium nitrogen content in purified water - 15.3-17.0 mg/dm3. An improved technology for local treatment of industrial wastewater using coagulation and flotation methods has been developed, the implementation of which will allow obtaining high-quality purified water, the indicators of which meet the regulatory requirements for the discharge of wastewater into the drainage system of the city of Kharkiv.