Present study was conducted during 2021-2023 at NICRA adopted village Paiyong, under the aegis of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kalimpong to evaluate strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivars under the subtemperate condition of Kalimpong. According to the results obtained, we found that cultivar Camarosa significantly exhibited maximum plant height, plant spread, number of leaves, number of runners and flowers per plant, recorded minimum days taken for 50 % flowering and flowering to harvest days, maximum berry weight, highest yield per plant, Total soluble solid, Total sugar and Ascorbic acid respectively followed by cv.Festival whereas, cv. Winter dawn exhibited lowest plant height, plant spread, number of fruits and flowers per plant, recorded maximum days taken for flowering and harvest shown significant decline of yield per plant, pertained minimum Total soluble solids (TSS), Total sugar and Ascorbic acid. As the results indicated that the performance of cv. Camarosawas significantly better in terms of vegetative, yield and yield attributing characters.