This study was grounded on the assessment of lifestyle management and eating disorders of fat people. Obesity is a multi-factorial disease that accumulates excess body fat and leads to negative effects on health. Obesity continues to accelerate resulting in an unprecedented epidemic that shows no significant signs of decelerating any time soon. The main cause of obesity is long-term energy imbalance between consumed calories and expended calories. Anthropometry is a screening tool that determine obesity in a general population. Obesity detection can be done by assessing BMI ranges. This survey represents the age of the participants ranged between 18-30 years. The age was grouped into the table between two categories i.e., 18-24 and 25-30 years.18-24 years participants population was greater than 25-30 years. Male participants were greater than female participants. Male were 41.7% and female were 58.3%. Most of the students stays in paying guest accommodation. Students stays in paying guest accommodation 37.5%, hostel 33.3% and home 29.2%. According to survey, the BMI range showed, many of respondents were overweight. About 44% respondents were overweight, 34% respondents were obese, 20% respondents were normal, and 2% respondents were underweight. Usually respondent's consumes non-healthy foods which contains high fat content, according to survey report 75% respondent's consumes healthy foods, 31.30% respondents daily consume beverages, 25% respondent's consume high fat food, 43.80% respondent's consume junk food and 37.50% respondent's consume high saturated food as their meals which shows eating pattern of them. Respondents have a lifestyle with low physical activity and disordered eating habits, which promotes them to a risk of being overweight and obese. 65.5% of respondents go to gym and 34.5% do yoga to make themselves physically fit and healthy.