Background: ENT disorders specially hearing impairment nega vely impacts students' development of academic, language and social skills. If le undiagnosed, these condi ons may result in signifi cant irreversible damage such as varying degree of hearing loss that can aff ect the social or professional performance of the individuals in later stages of life. Students going to government school in our country generally come from under privileged society. We inves gated the occurrence of ENT diseases among various government school students in Kailali district. Methods: Nine government school of Kailai district were chosen at random. All students of those school present on the day of examina on went rou ne ENT examina ons. Brief history, if any, was recorded and fi ndings were noted. The study was done throughout the month of September, 2013. Results: There were a total of 2256 students enrolled in the study. There were 1126 male and 1130 female students. Mean age of the students was 9.88 years. Forty One percent of students had ENT problems. Ear wax was the most common (17%) fi ndings followed by suppura ve ear diseases, o s media with eff usion as so on in decreasing frequency. Conclusions: ENT diseases and specially ear diseases are important health problems among school children of Nepal. Regular school health services, screening program, public awareness, improvement of socioeconomic status, mely referral to a specialist doctor can help to reduce the diseaserelated burden.