“…1-octene-3-alcohl and butylated hydroxytoluene [69] ↓ BUN and Scr ↓ content of ROS in renal tissues ↓ oxidative stress ↑ SOD and GSH-PX [68] Gallic acid, catechin and derivatives, and rutin and derivatives [70] ↓ blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine [70] Luteolinidin and 5-methoxyluteolinidine [71] ↓ oxidative stress ↑ serum SOD and TAC ↓ serum MDA decreased [71] Hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids and caffeic acid derivatives [110] ↑ SOD 1 activity ↓ IL-1β, TNF-α, and IL-6 production [72] Hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids, stilbenes [54] ↓ LDLs and cholesterol ↓ oxidative DNA damage [73] Curcumin [79] ↓ serum urea and creatinine ↓ HO1 and INOS mRNA expression ↑ GSH concentration, GR, CAT, and SOD activities ↓ LPO and DNA fragmentation [79] Ellagitannin geraniin [80] ↓ relative weights of pancreas, liver, heart, and aorta ↓ plasma glucose ↓ TG, non-HDLs and total cholesterols, ALT, AST, CK, and Cr [80] Protocatechuic acid [81] ↓ BMI ↓ SOD activity in liver and muscle homogenates ↑ GSH activity in muscle ↓ MCP-1, IL-1b, CRP [81] 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid [82] ↓ TNF-α expression by 0.12 times [82] Ferulic and benzoic acid derivatives, quercetin derivatives, flavonone glycosides [83] ↓ cholesterol, LDLs, and plasma TGCs [83] 7-O-Galloyl-d-Sedoheptulose [84] ↓ serum levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL/VLDL-cholesterol, NEFAs, and TBA-reactive substances ↓ serum levels of ALT, AST, creatinine, and urea nitrogen [84] Thymol [85] ↓ urinary glucose, urinary urea, and urinary protein ↓ TBARS and LOOH ↑ SOD, catalase, GPx, GST, and GR ↓ SREBP-1c, TGF-b, and VEGF proteins [85] Protocatechuic acid [89] ↓ insulin Improved AGE expression and histological changes in both glomerular hypertrophy and interstitial crushing [86] Protocatechuic acid, gallic acid, catechin, gallocatechin, and rutin [87] ↓ triacylglycerol and total cholesterol levels ↓ BUN, blood creatinine, and blood pressure ↓ ratio of urine albumin/urine creatinine Ameliorated mesangial fibrosis in part via the Ras/PI3K/Akt signaling pathway.…”