Based on the concept of nutritional programming in mammals, we tested whether an acute hyperglucidic-hypoproteic stimulus during first feeding could induce long-term changes in nutrient metabolism in rainbow trout. Trout alevins received during the five first days of exogenous feeding either a hyperglucidic (40% gelatinized starch + 20% glucose) and hypoproteic (20%) diet (VLP diet) or a high-protein (60%) glucose-free diet (HP diet, control). Following a common 105-day period on a commercial diet, both groups were then challenged (65 days) with a carbohydrate-rich diet (28%). Short-and long-term effects of the early stimuli were evaluated in terms of metabolic marker gene expressions and intestinal microbiota as initial gut colonisation is essential for regulating the development of the digestive system. In whole alevins (short term), diet VLP relative to HP rapidly increased gene expressions of glycolytic enzymes, while those involved in gluconeogenesis and amino acid catabolism decreased. However, none of these genes showed persistent molecular adaptation in the liver of challenged juveniles (long term). By contrast, muscle of challenged juveniles subjected previously to the VLP stimulus displayed downregulated expression of markers of glycolysis and glucose transport (not seen in the short term). These fish also had higher plasma glucose (9 h postprandial), suggesting impaired glucose homeostasis induced by the early stimulus. The early stimulus did not modify the expression of the analysed metabolism-related microRNAs, but had short-and long-term effects on intestinal fungi (not bacteria) profiles. In summary, our data show that a short hyperglucidic-hypoproteic stimulus during early life may have a long-term influence on muscle glucose metabolism and intestinal microbiota in trout.
KEY WORDS: Nutritional programming, Rainbow trout, Carbohydrates, Protein, Metabolism
INTRODUCTIONPrenatal or early nutritional neonatal events exerted during critical developmental windows may result in permanent changes in postnatal growth potential, health and metabolic status in mammals (Burdge and Lillycrop, 2010;Lucas, 1998;Patel and Srinivasan, 2002;Patel et al., 2009;Metges et al., 2014;Duque-Guimarães and Ozanne, 2013;Devaskar and Thamotharan, 2007). It has been RESEARCH ARTICLE 1 INRA, UR1067 Nutrition Metabolism and Aquaculture, F-64310 Saint-Pée-surNivelle, France. suggested that this process of developmental plasticity utilizes the early nutritional cues to prepare individual phenotypes to better match the predicted future nutritional environment (Gluckman et al., 2005). Possible biological mechanisms for 'imprinting' the nutritional event until adulthood in mammalian vertebrates comprise adaptive changes in gene expression pattern or cellular phenotype (epigenetic phenomenon), nutrient-sensitive signalling pathways and adaptive clonal selection, which may be transmitted to future offspring (Lucas, 1998;Symonds et al., 2009;Waterland and Jirtle, 2003;Gut and Verdin, 2013). Experimental data on the concept...