, 1982a). In man, all the ocular manifestations described above can be reversed by dietary supplementation. In the cat retina, the capacity for de novo synthesis of taurine is very low and thus, supplies are dependent on inter-organ mobilization following dietary intake (Knopf, Sturman, Armstrong & Hayes, 1977). Although human rates of taurine synthesis are even lower than that of the cat (Wright et al. 1986), plasma deficiencies are observed only in pathological conditions where the supply of taurine is severely curtailed (Gaull, Rassin, Raiha & Heinonen, 1977). However, humans can conserve stores of body taurine by switching over to glycine in bile acid conjugation (Wright et al. 1986). Delivery of taurine to photoreceptors is mediated by active carrier mechanisms situated primarily in the RPE (Lake, Marshall & Voaden, 1975Voaden, Lake, Marshall & Morjaria, 1977;Voaden, Oraedu, Marshall & Lake, 1981;Hussain & Voaden, 1985;Voaden, 1991 followed by slower transfer to the retina (Pourcho, 1977;Tornquist & Alm, 1986). In contrast, most in vitro attempts to establish the direction of transport appear to show net flux from the retina to the choroidal circulation (Miller & Steinberg, 1976, 1979 Sellner, 1986 Taurine transport in bovine RPE 1P2; MgSO4, 1P2; NaHCO3, 24-8; glucose, 5-5; 0-01 % bovine serum albumin (BSA). The medium was initially gassed with 5% C02/ 95 % 02 on ice for about 30 min giving a final pH of 7 4 at 37 'C. Tissue incubation and efflux of pre-loaded taurine Linearity of taurine uptake was assessed at 10 /lM exogenous taurine using ninety-six RPE choroid samples obtained from tapetal (areas 1, 2 and 3) and non-tapetal (areas 4 and 5) regions of twenty eyes. Following thermal equilibration, samples were transferred to incubation vials each containing 5 ml of unlabelled (10 #M) and tritiated taurine (0 1 1Ci ml-') in Krebs buffer. The specific activity of the radioactive label from AmershamInternational was 21P9 Ci mmol-' and since 0 5 #uCi were used in 5 0 ml of buffer, the contribution of this to the overall taurine concentration was negligible and has been disregarded in all further calculations. Taurine uptake was stopped at various time intervals (0-50 min) by rapidly transferring the samples to icecold taurine-free, label-free Krebs buffer (the rationale of this procedure to be explained later). Parallel incubations were carried out at 0 'C to correct for non-specific binding and entrapment within extracellular compartments. After several washes to remove extracellular label, the samples were solubilized in 0 5 ml 10% Triton X-100 overnight, and following addition of scintillant (UltimaGold, Packard Instruments), the radioactive content was determined by liquid scintillation spectrometry (LKB Wallac 1409). In the efflux studies, a further eighty RPE choroid samples (80 eyes) were pre-loaded with taurine by incubation for 40 min in 20 ml of Krebs buffer containing 10 4UM exogenous taurine and 0.1 uCi mI-l 3H-taurine. Incubation buffer was then removed and the tissue discs were washed several t...