Staphylococcus aureus preferentially catabolizes glucose, generating pyruvate, which is subsequently oxidized to acetate under aerobic growth conditions. Catabolite repression of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle results in the accumulation of acetate. TCA cycle derepression coincides with exit from the exponential growth phase, the onset of acetate catabolism, and the maximal expression of secreted virulence factors. These data suggest that carbon and energy for post-exponential-phase growth and virulence factor production are derived from the catabolism of acetate mediated by the TCA cycle. To test this hypothesis, the aconitase gene was genetically inactivated in a human isolate of S. aureus, and the effects on physiology, morphology, virulence factor production, virulence for mice, and stationary-phase survival were examined. TCA cycle inactivation prevented the post-exponential growth phase catabolism of acetate, resulting in premature entry into the stationary phase. This phenotype was accompanied by a significant reduction in the production of several virulence factors and alteration in host-pathogen interaction. Unexpectedly, aconitase inactivation enhanced stationaryphase survival relative to the wild-type strain. Aconitase is an iron-sulfur cluster-containing enzyme that is highly susceptible to oxidative inactivation. We speculate that reversible loss of the iron-sulfur cluster in wild-type organisms is a survival strategy used to circumvent oxidative stress induced during host-pathogen interactions. Taken together, these data demonstrate the importance of the TCA cycle in the life cycle of this medically important pathogen.Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive pathogen that causes a wide variety of diseases in humans and animals, ranging from local soft-tissue infections to life-threatening septicemia. S. aureus causes disease by producing many extracellular virulence factors, including several proteases, lipases, hemolysins, superantigens, and cell wall-associated adherence proteins. As with many pathogens, maximal expression of S. aureus virulence factors occurs during the post-exponential phase of growth (33). Bacteria exit from the exponential phase of growth upon the depletion of readily catabolizable carbon compounds and/or the accumulation of toxic compounds. During growth in vitro, S. aureus preferentially degrades glucose to pyruvate (9, 18, 22, 28) by way of the pentose phosphate and glycolytic pathways (4). The catabolic fate of pyruvate is determined by the growth conditions. Under anaerobic growth conditions, pyruvate is primarily reduced to lactic acid (22, 24), while it is oxidized to acetate and CO 2 under aerobic growth conditions (16). The ability to oxidize acetate in the exponential phase of growth is severely impaired, and acetate accumulates in the culture medium until the glucose has been depleted (9, 18). Thus, maximal expression of virulence factors coincides with the depletion of glucose, entry into the post-exponential phase of growth, and the catabolism of acetate. Tak...