Resultados: Dos 110 participantes, com IMC médio de 31,6 ± 3,7 kg/m 2 e idade média 61,3 ± 10,0 anos, 60 eram imigrantes. Durante a intervenção os NOP perderam 1,4 ± 2,7% do peso e os IOA 0,8 ± 3,6%, sendo a perda superior comparativamente com a fase observacional. Ser do sexo masculino e consumir pelo menos duas porções de lacticínios magros por dia associou-se a maior perda de peso durante a intervenção, independentemente da idade e origem. Houve um aumento significativo no número de recomendações dietéticas conhecidas e cumpridas, com os NOP a cumprirem em média mais recomendações. Discussão: A intervenção foi bem sucedida relativamente à perda de peso, especialmente no grupo dos NOP, confirmando outros estudos. Conclusão: A intervenção aumentou os conhecimentos e adesão às recomendações, realçando a pertinência da educação alimentar, culturalmente adaptada, nos cuidados de saúde primários. Palavras-chave: África; Emigrantes e Imigrantes; Estudos de Intervenção; Hábitos Alimentares; Hipertensão; Perda de Peso; Portugal.
ABSTRACTIntroduction: Blood pressure is significantly improved with weight loss. Behavioral interventions for weight loss seem to be less successful in African immigrants. Our main aims were to assess the effect of a dietary and lifestyle intervention on weight among hypertensive Portuguese natives and immigrants and to identify success factors for weight loss, and also to evaluate changes in knowledge and compliance with food recommendations. Material and Methods: Hypertensive medicated patients followed in primary care setting were randomly enrolled in a two phase study, observational (15-months) and behavioral intervention (six months). Participants were divided in two groups: immigrants from African Countries of Portuguese Official Language and Portuguese natives. Participants were given dietary and life styles recommendations in individual face-to-face and telephone sessions. Results: Of 110 participants with a mean BMI of 31.6 ± 3.7 Kg/m 2 , 60 were immigrants. The number of dietary recommendations known and followed at the end was significantly greater than at baseline; however natives performed a greater number of recommendations. Weight loss during intervention was in average 1.4 ± 2.7% in natives and 0.8 ± 3.6% in immigrants and was greater than in the observational period. Being male and consuming more than 2 servings of low-fat dairy products/day was associated with higher weight loss, independently of age and ethnicity. Discussion: In general the proposed intervention was efficacious especially in Portuguese natives, confirming other studies.
Conclusion:The intervention increased knowledge and adherence to recommendations, highlighting the relevance of nutrition education, culturally adapted in primary care.