RezumatIntroducere: În cancerul gastric sunt factori generali şi locali multipli care pot determina fistulelor postoperatorii. În studiul de faţă am propus analiza rolului stării nutriţionale preoperatorii şi al terapiei nutriţionale împreună cu stadiul bolii, vârsta şi sexul pacienţilor în cazul apariţiei fistulelor. Material şi Metodă: Acest studiu retrospectiv a inclus 158 de pacienţi operaţi pentru cancer gastric în Clinica de Chirurgie în perioada 2010-2016, în care am analizat incidenţa fistulei anastomotice. Rezultate: Incidenţa globală a fistulelor a fost de 11%. Dintre cei 30 de pacienţi cu pierdere în greutate şi nutriţie parenterală pre şi post-parenterală parenterală, fistula a apărut la 13%, dintre 36 pacienţi cu pierdere în greutate şi nutriţie parenterală numai postoperator, 14%, din 24 de pacienţi cu pierdere în greutate şi fără terapie nutriţională, au făcut fistulă 21%, iar 68 de pacienţi fără pierdere în greutate au făcut fistulă numai 6%. Concluzie: În concluzie, incidenţa fistulei postoperatorie a fost mai mare în stadiile avansate de boală (p=0.027) precum şi la pacienţii cu vârsta de peste 70 de ani. Putem spune că terapia nutriţională a condus la scăderea numărului de fistule (p=0.047) Cuvinte cheie: cancer gastric, nutritie, oncologie geriatrică Abstract Introduction: In gastric cancer there are multiple local and general risk factors for the occurrence of postoperative fistulas. In the present study, we proposed to analyse the role of the preoperative nutritional state and nutritional therapy along with the disease stage, the age and the sex of patients in the occurrence of fistulas. Material and method: This retrospective study included 158 patients operated for gastric cancer in Surgery Department of Bucharest Oncology institute between January 2010 and December 2016 in which we analysed the incidence of anastomotic fistula according to the nutritional status, disease status, age and sex of the patients. Results: The global incidence of fistulas was of 11%, out of which 8 % were fistulas of the duodenal stump and 3.19% fistulas of the eso-jejunal anastomosis. Out of the 30 patients with weight loss and parenteral nutrition in the preop period, we had 4 fistulas (13%), and out of the 36 patients with weight loss and nutritional measures in the postop we had 5 fistulas (14%), also, out of the 24 patients with weight loss and without nutritional intervention, we had 5 fistulas (21%), finally, out of the 68 patients without weight loss we had fistulas in 4 patients (6%).. The incidence of fistulas was 5% in patients with stage I, II and III and 24% in stage IV patients. The distribution of fistulas according to the age of the patients showed a much higher incidence of fistulae in patients over 70 years old. Conclusions: − The number of postoperative fistulas was higher in the advanced stages of the disease (p=0.027) and in patients over 70 years old (p=0.047) and the differences were statistically significant. − The difference between the number of fistulae occurred in patients who had wei...