In reviewing the research on stillbirth in developing countries, it becomes clear that because almost half of the deliveries in these settings occur at home, under-reporting of stillbirths is a significant problem, and reliable data about rates and causes are unavailable in some areas of the world. Nevertheless, of the estimated 3 million stillbirths which occur yearly, the vast majority in developing countries, with rates in many developing countries ten-fold higher than elsewhere. Classification systems have been adapted for developing countries; however, there is not a standard international system, nor is there agreement about stillbirth definitions making comparisons of cause of stillbirth over time or between sites problematic. From available data, prolonged and obstructed labor, and various infections all without adequate treatment, appear to account for the majority of stillbirths in developing countries. Strategies that have effectively reduced stillbirth in developed countries have had mixed results in developing countries or have not yet been tested; however, identification and treatment of infections such as syphilis has been shown effective in reducing stillbirth risk, while strategies to improve obstetric care have not been widely evaluated. Despite the large number of stillbirths worldwide, the topic of stillbirths in developing countries has received very little research, programmatic or policy attention. Better access to appropriate obstetric care, especially during labor, should reduce developing country stillbirth rates dramatically.