“…As studies have shown, organic products not only contain more antioxidants ( 11 – 16 ), but also calcium ( 62 – 67 ), iron ( 17 , 19 , 68 , 69 ), manganese ( 70 , 71 ), as well as vitamins: E ( 19 , 72 , 73 ) and C ( 11 , 70 – 72 , 74 ), although some studies on calcium ( 70 ), iron ( 62 , 70 , 75 ) and vitamin C ( 76 , 77 ) gave different results. Equivocal results were obtained for phosphorus ( 78 , 79 ), magnesium ( 66 , 67 , 70 , 78 , 80 ), copper ( 66 , 70 ), and a significant number of studies showed lower zinc ( 70 , 71 , 79 ) and folate content ( 77 ) in the case of organic farming. Rationally assuming that organic orchardists are more likely to consume the food they produce ( 6 ), then the content of selected minerals and vitamins is likely to be even higher.…”