“…The chemical composition of WB (Jaworski, Lærke, Bach Knudsen, & Stein, ; Jaworski et al, ; Zhao, Zhang, Xie, Li, & Huang, ), SBP (Lyu, Huang, Li, Li, Liu, et al, ), CGF (Jaworski et al, ), SBH (Lyu, Huang, Li, Li, Liu, et al, ; Stewart et al, ), and DFRB (Lyu, Li, Liu, et al, ; Stein, Casas, Abelilla, Liu, & Sulabo, ) showed great variabilities due to different origin, species, and processing technology. Take CGF for example, the nutrients composition of CGF depends largely on processing technology which mix different fractions of corn therefore producing different corn coproducts (Jaworski et al, ).…”