In this paper, which is the third of a series dealing with the nutritive properties of the lucerne crop, an account is given of the results of an investigation into the composition, digestibility and nutritive value of lucerne hay, lucerne meal and lucerne leaf meal.Three samples of lucerne hay were dealt with, the first two having been made by baling direct from the field and the third by the usual procedure of filling into the stack. It is shown that by baling from the field, it is possible to conserve forage at a higher moisture content than would be considered safe when filling the material into a stack. In such circumstances, however, too tight a compression of the bales should be avoided, since if the process of partial drying-out during storage be retarded by over-compression, there is danger of extensive mould development and spoiling. It is advisable that the bales should be stored under good cover and in such a manner as to permit of free circulation of air between them. The hay from the bales was of much poorer quality than that made in the stack.