The Mullipallam creek in Muthupet mangroves region is the only E-W trending coastal strip in the SE coast of India and is very important, as the mangrove acts as a barrier to natural diasters. Natural, anthropogenic signals and accumulation of elements were made by collecting sediment samples at various depths in a core. All sediments were analyzed for carbonates (CaCO 3 ), organic carbon (OC), major (Si, Al, Fe, Na, K, Ca, Mg, P), and trace (Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn). Normalization with Al values has been done for all the major and trace elements and enrichment factors have been calculated. The calculated enrichment factors and comparison indicate that the trace metals (especially Pb) are enriched mainly due to the external (anthropogenic) activities in the land as well as in the coastal zone (Palk Strait).