Diferentes temporaliDaDes no aDoecimento por câncer De mama las Diferentes percepciones Del tiempo en la enfermiDaD por cÁncer De mama * Unpublished article originated in the master's degree dissertation, "experience of a young woman and her family in the sickening and dying process from breast cancer." the study is part of the matrix research called "Healthcare and justice institutions as mediators in health parental rights implementation: analysis of therapeutic itineraries of people/families at the UHs/mt," and was carried out within the scope of the "nursing, Health and citizenship research Group" (GPESC) of the Nursing College of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (FAEN/UFMT). The study was financed as a scientific initiation and master's degree grants. No conflict of interest was found. 1 nurse; master's in nursing, member of the nursing, Health and citizenship research Group (Gpesc). cuiabá, Brasil. 2 nurse; Doctorate in nursing; professor at the nursing college of the federal University of mato Grosso (faen/Ufmt), member of the Gpesc, cuiabá, Brazil. 3 nurse; Doctor in nursing, professor at the faen/Ufmt, Gpesc leader, cuiabá, Brazil.
ReSumoEstudo de abordagem compreensiva, objetivou compreender os reflexos e contrastes entre o tempo experiencial e o tempo protocolar da terapêutica, na vivência de mulher jovem com câncer de mama. Conformando-se como estudo de situação, baseado na História de Vida de Beth, que adoeceu e morreu de câncer aos 34 anos, empregamos entrevista, observação e aná-lise do prontuário na recolha dos dados. A construção de quadro analítico-sintético, com base na cronologia da progressão clí-nica e fases do tratamento e a percepção temporal dos acontecimentos por Beth, possibilitou depreender que o tempo protocolar da terapêutica mostra-se linear, marcado pelo sequenciamento do diagnóstico e tratamento; já o tempo experiencial é marcado pela simultaneidade e não linearidade de acontecimentos mobilizadores de intenso sofrimento que o câncer produziu na vida de Beth. Tal compreensão afirma a necessidade dos profissionais de saúde considerarem o tempo vivido pela pessoa, conferindo pessoalidade à indispensável terapêutica protocolar do câncer.
Pequisa qualitativa Câncer Eventos que modificam a vida Cuidados à saúde
ABStRActComprehensive approach study aimed understanding the reflections and contrasts between personal time and medical therapy protocol time in the life of a young woman with breast cancer. Addressed as a situational study and grounded in Beth's life story about getting sick and dying of cancer at age 34, the study's data collection process employed interviews, observation and medical record analysis. The construction of the analytic-synthetic box based on the chronology of Beth's clinical progression, treatment phases and temporal perception of occurrences enabled us to point out a linear medical therapy protocol time identified by the diagnosis and treatment sequencing process. On the other hand, Beth's experienced time was marked by simultaneous and non-li...