-The article supports the hypothesis that contemporary journalism is facing a crisis of governance, derived from the fraying of social relations between the media enterprises and their audiences (readers, sources, stakeholders, advertisers, subscribers). In contrast to the interpretations that limit the crisis to the funding issue or the business model, we argue that such difficulties are apparent manifestations of structural changes in relations between journalism and the public, affecting both production and circulation of journalistic information processes, particularly concerning its corporate organizational form. Each of these dimensions is affected by actions and representations of the audiences, heavily modified in just over a decade in response to the changes in technology and communication. The article demonstrates how the concept of governance gives a better understanding of the dimensions of the crisis and a glimpse into the possible solutions. Key words: Journalism. Governance. Public. Management. Mediapart.
A GOVERNANÇA DO JORNALISMO E ALTERNATIVAS PARA A CRISERESUMO -O artigo sustenta a hipótese de que o jornalismo contemporâneo atravessa uma crise em sua governança, derivada do esgarçamento das relações sociais entre as empresas jornalísticas e seus públicos (audiências, fontes, stakeholders, anunciantes, assinantes). Contra as interpretações da crise que a circunscrevem ao financiamento ou ao modelo de negócio, argumenta-se que tais dificuldades são manifestações aparentes de transformações estruturais nas relações com os públicos, que afetam tanto os processos de produção e circulação da informação jornalística, quanto sua forma organizacional predominantemente empresarial. Sobre cada uma dessas dimensões incidem ações e representações dos públicos, fortemente modificadas num intervalo de pouco mais de uma década como reação às transformações tecnológicas e de comunicação. O artigo demonstra como o conceito de governança permite compreender melhor as dimensões da crise e vislumbrar possibilidades de saída. Palavras-chave: Jornalismo. Governança. Público. Gestão. Mediapart.
115BRAZILIAN JOURNALISM RESEARCH -Volume 13 -Number 2 -August -2017
GOVERNANCE OF JOURNALISM AND ALTERNATIVES TO THE CRISISThe crisis currently hitting journalism, which has been credited mainly to the collapse of the financing (or business) model, has deeper roots than the fall in advertising, retail or subcription revenues: it is a crisis of governance, profoundly related to the erosion of credibility of the prevailing organizational structure of journalism in Western countries since the 19th century, the journalistic enterprise, along with the audiences to which it relates. If we accept this premise, the way to overcome the crisis lies less in pursuing new ways of making journalism profitable as a business opportunity offered by companies than in devising alternative forms of governance capable of recreating, in other bases, the relations between jour...