“…Part and parcel of CRM archaeology is the fragmentation and dislocation of communities and their subjugation to the will of the state (SMITH, 2004(SMITH, , 2012. This debate about archaeology and resource management in South America is now a decade old (DA ROCHA et al, 2013;GNECCO, 2018;DIAS, 2015aDIAS, , 2015bDIAS, , 2017HAMILAKIS, 2015aHAMILAKIS, , 2015bHAMILAKIS, , 2017JOFRÉ, 2015aJOFRÉ, , 2015bJOFRÉ, , 2017LIMA, 2012;RIBEIRO, 2015aRIBEIRO, , 2015bRIBEIRO, , 2017ROCABADO, 2015aROCABADO, , 2015bROCABADO, , 2017SILVA, 2015aSILVA, , 2015bSILVA, , 2017SMITH, 2012).…”