The Quality of Accounting Information and Corporate Governance influence the perception of investors about publicly traded companies. In view of this, this research explores the relationships among Quality of Accounting Information, Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of Brazilian and French companies. Thus, to demonstrate the existence of relationships among Quality of Accounting Information and Financial Performance of companies, governance structures and Financial Performance, and Quality of Accounting Information, governance structures and also Financial Performance of companies, a quantitative study of correlation among these dimensions was carried out. The relationships between quality and performance were statistically significant and have been proved. On the other hand, the relationships between governance and performance were strong, in view of the correlations found. Among the Financial Performance indicators, it is noteworthy that the profitability indicators are correlated with quality and governance more frequently than those of profitability. The result proved the initial assumptions about the existence of such relationships and showed that the French market reflected more evolution than the Brazilian market, that is, the relationships between Corporate Governance and Financial Performance were more evident in the case of French companies.