Green areas, whether located in urban or rural environments, play an important role in maintaining ecological systems that provide vital environmental services for the quality of life of populations. In this sense, the present study assessed the environmental damage in the forest remnants that make up the Santa Genebrinha ecological corridor in Campinas city, São Paulo State, to identify limitations in the implementation and maintenance of this corridor. Initially, we surveyed geoindicators and the distribution of forest remnants in the Ribeirão Anhumas watershed, where the corridor is inserted. Subsequently, we developed an impact assessment matrix to quantify the main environmental damages affecting the forest remnants that make up this corridor. The results allowed us to identify the most impacting actions on the corridor: agriculture/monoculture, deforestation, burning, urbanization, and land use and occupation, with quantification (Q) averages of -7.6; -8.3; -7.3; -8.1; and -7.3, respectively, resulting in a high damage percentage (66.7%) for each action. The diagnosis pointed to local scope, direct incidence, and current temporality, reinforcing the need to consider these factors for implementation and management of the quoted corridor.