“…A burial trench would be constructed on-site for disposal of"all of the LLW solid waste generated. The injection well would be grouted to a point approximately 10 ft below grade, the casing cut at that level and a con-_-_ crete cap poured to the surface, A permanent marker would be installed to identify the loca-__ --= PROJECT Old Hydrofracture Facility Decommissioning SFMP WBS 4,6,12 1-35 i i tlon oftheformerwell-head, Entombmentactivities wouldbe performed fortheburied waste 0 tanks, the waste pit cells, and the emergency pond, The tanks would require a decontamination campaign to rcsuspend the residual sludge prior to fixation within the tank cavities, The waste pit cells have already been stabilized to some extent and would require only a final clean.out and concrete capping to complete the effort, The pond would be stabilized In piace by solidifying the residual sed)ment and sludge on the pond bottom and consolidating the remaining pond structures (riprap and equipment) into a fixed form, The overall site grade over the entombed structures would be made consistent with the lay of the land and burial ground requirements, Any underground piping would be left in place, but grouted to restrict groundwater transfer, Ali uncontaminated structures (bulk storage tanks, water tank, etc,) would be evaluated for salvage or disposed of in the contractor's landfill, The storage building 7853 would be left in its present condition for potential reuse, 2, Special Equipment and Techniques, On-site stabilization activities will require special equipment and techniques in three major areas: (1) cell decontamination, (2) waste tank sludge removal and solidification, and 3pond sediment solidification, Decontamination techniques in use on other SFMP projects (ultra-high-pressure water jet scarification and abrasive cutting, plasma arc torch cutting, chemical treatments, etc,) should be applicable to this facility, • with little additional development required, Waste tank clean-out would be expected to followsimilar lines as the Waste Storage Tanks project (WBS 4;6,18), with slight modifications needed to allow for the horizontal placement of the eHF tanks, the rubber linings in the tanks, and the grout formulation for in-tank solidification. Solidification:of the waste pond will also require special techniques due to the nature of the pond sediments (radioactive and hazardous wastes), Techniques similar to those employed for the Waste Holding Basin (WBS 4,6,1) may be appropriate at this site also, 3, Cost, Schedule, and Waste Volume Projections, A summary of the project schedule, cost, and waste disposal requirements for the proposed Old Hydrofracture Facility decommissioning project is provided in Fig, 1,17, Project planning, equipment and grout development, on-site D&D operations, and project closeout are estimated to extend over approximately five years, ata total estimated cost of $2,9 million, Approximately 8 × 10 3 gal (30 m3) of liquid waste and 7 × 103 ft3 (205 m3) of solid waste will require appropriate handling and disposal.…”