To accurately detect small defects in urine test strips, the SK-FMYOLOV3 defect detection algorithm is proposed. First, the prediction box clustering algorithm of YOLOV3 is improved. The fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm is used to generate the initial clustering centers, and then, the clustering center is passed to the K-means algorithm to cluster the prediction boxes. To better detect smaller defects, the YOLOV3 feature map fusion is increased from the original three-scale prediction to a four-scale prediction. At the same time, 23 convolutional layers of size
in the YOLOV3 network are replaced with SkNet structures, so that different feature maps can independently select different convolution kernels for training, improving the accuracy of defect classification. We collected and enhanced urine test strip images in industrial production and labeled the small defects in the images. A total of 11634 image sets were used for training and testing. The experimental results show that the algorithm can obtain an anchor frame with an average cross ratio of 86.57, while the accuracy rate and recall rate of nonconforming products are 96.8 and 94.5, respectively. The algorithm can also accurately identify the category of defects in nonconforming products.