Abstract-Recently, the strategic approaches of public sector organizations are reevaluated in order to achieve modern effective operations and provide better services to their customers (citizens and businesses). Business Process Management (BPM) solutions are recognized as essential tools for public services transformation, as they enable public organizations to be more efficient, to meet business challenges rapidly and flexibly, and to improve the customers experience by resolving incidents and responding to requests in a timely fashion. Within this context, this paper describes the development of a BPM System (BPMS) as a part of a web-based integrated system for benchmarking, monitoring, simulation and redesigning processes. This system will be deployed initially in Municipalities and later on in several Greek government agencies, in order to offer more efficient, personalized and consistent services to citizens and businesses, in a reduced operational cost. The paper presents the methodological approach followed for BPMS development. It also highlights system's functionality and its usefulness in process design, benchmarking, redesign and continuous improvement.Index Term-Business process management system, public sector services, benchmarking, business process improvement.
I. INTRODUCTIONPublic Sector Organizations are facing the challenge of delivering high quality services that meet local needs, efficiently. A variety of computer based support tools for performance management and process improvement has been proposed and t[ried out in governmental settings [1]-[3].Business Process Management (BPM) solutions are widely spread in private sector offering many advantages to those companies that adapt them. The key benefits of BPM software solutions include the increased business efficiency, rapid deployment of compliance and process changes, improved employee productivity and increased business engagement [4]. BPM systems also recognized as essential tools for public services transformation, as they enable public organizations Manuscript received February 4, 2015; revised August 25, 2015. This work is a part of the research project "Public Services' Benchmarking, Design, Monitoring & Evaluation Platform (PSB-DMEP)" in research action: "Synergasia", which is implemented under the Operational Programme: Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship (OPCE II), NSRF 2007-2013 and is co-funded by European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and Greek Government.S. P. Gayialis, G. A. Papadopoulos, S. T. Ponis, and I. P. Tatsiopoulos are with the School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 15780, Greece (e-mail: sotga@central.ntua.gr, gpapado@mail.ntua.gr, staponis@central.ntua.gr, itat@central.ntua.gr).P. Vassilakopoulou is with Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of Informatics, University of Oslo (e-mail: xvasil@ifi.uio.no).to be more efficient, to meet business challenges rapidly and flexibly, and to improve the citizen experience by resolving incidents and re...