This paper proposes enhancements for information modeling to support service and network management integration. Despite the existence of management standard models (TMN, TMF, DMTF ...), it seems that operators are facing difficulties choosing the appropriate model, defining its instances and achieving its implementations. The analysis of this situation stresses the need for an information model able to represent the real world objects independently of their management. To respond to this key requirement, we propose solutions, based on a metamodel, that guarantee information coherence, self-management capability and management integration. These propositions allow the operators to support new workflows and to handle new services efficiently. Furthermore, the M3100 model, the MTNM model and the ENST model are applied to model an ADSL network example.
KeywordsInformation Model, Metamodeling, Network and Service Management.
The ENST Abstract ModelThe ENST IM was created in the AIRS (Administration et lnterconnexion des Rkseaux et des Services) ENST laboratory. Since 1990. several studies [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] have proved its effectiveness for network modeling, QoS management, distributed service management, IN service, dynamic QoS management, IP network modeling ... etc. Mainly, the ENST model IS generic and allows the description of any network element NE(n) of the managed network on a VL(n). A network element is An In~7mmrim ,$lod~4foi Service ond Nmrorh hfunopwnr Brreyorion:fiont rieeds rowards soluliotrs an abstract object which is able to model a link, a node or a nerwrk. For each network element, the model associates the description of its architecture and the provided senices. The ENST model characteristics are: absrracrion, genetidry and recursivenessIn the scope ofthis paper, we based our proposals on this model for: ( i ) creating managed element at each VL. (ii) defining new MlBs that are independent from management applications: using the visibility level concept and the abstraction feature ofthe metamodel. (iii) defining how to fill the proposed MIB: by defining the network element relations between the associated VL. (iiii) providing the autonomous management using the 'hanagement" ENST object class and manageable object feature.
ENST Model and the OMG Metamodeling ArchitectureTo be sure of its wide modeling capability, we propose to study the ENST model's conformity with the 4-layer OMG architecture. In fact, with its abstraction and genericity features, it allows the definition of the ENST metamodel constituted of the abstract objects: node, link and network. With the visibility layers and the recursiveness concepts, it allows the use of the same model for business, service, network and equipment managed network views. The transition from the