Abstract-This paper presents the developed algorithm for visualization the business process graph structure. In business processes repository for each process it is stored data about its sub-processes. Using the sub-processes characteristics including basic data and triggering and terminating events, the described algorithm automatically creates a graphic image representing a control-flow. The sub-processes are connected via events -a terminating event for one sub-process is a triggering event for another.Index Terms-Business process repository, visualizing business process, business process models.
I. INTRODUCTIONNowadays, a fast growing industry requires corporations to continuously adapt their activities to changing market situations, ensuring their relevance and competitiveness. Many companies collect and store business processes models in repositories. Such repositories may contain hundreds or even thousands of business process models [1]. This situation needs a flexible tool for presentation and visualization.There are two ways of storing models in business process repository: explicit and implicit. If the models are stored explicitly, that predisposes some disadvantages for future work. For example, if two or more processes use common parts (sub-processes), then these parts should be stored in more than one place in the repository. So when some changes of any sub-processes are made, the corrections have to be made in more than one place. It is possible to come to conflict situations, when a process is stored in different places with different content. Another unpleasant situation is when a small part of a process has been changed, then it is necessary to change all the processes associated with it and to store new models for them.To avoid such undesirable situations it is better to store implicitly models of business processes and to present them when it is necessary. This affords an opportunity different functions of a business process to be saved independently of one another. Thereby the integrity of the process is not getting destroyed while updating any particular function of it. It is needed a mechanism that recovers the whole business process by the available functions.Very often in practice there is a set of processes, which are arranged in time in a definite order, i.e. it is not possible for one process to start before another has finished. This order is presented by some kind of relations between the processes. This suggests that in order to be completed a business processes, together with the characteristics of each of the sub-processes it is necessary to be kept also information about the connections between them.
II. ALGORITHM FOR VISUALIZATION THE BUSINESS PROCESSThe authors have developed internal data model for implementation of business process repository [2]. The main idea is to store not the whole business process model, but its components only, i.e. its sub-processes at all levels. A uniform description of all processes, both simple and complex, and regardless the levels in the hierar...