he Foot Classification Conference Proceedings on the following pages provide a summary of the topics covered in recent meeting sponsored by the Foot and Ankle Special Interest Group. These proceedings are presented to our readers in the form of keynote summaries and conference abstracts.The proceedings embody current thinking on the classification of foot disorders from experts in our profession and the abstracts are summaries of works in progress. All of the authors have accomplished the goal of presenting their ideas.I think you will be impressed by the rich variety of topics, methods, and findings in the following pages. As you read these proceedings keep in mind, however, that the material has not been peer-reviewed.The process used to screen abstracts for appropriate format for publication did not involve review by the content experts, editorial board, or the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Orthe paedic &' Spmts Physical Therapr. In addition, the information provided in the proceedings is, by design, a summary that does not allow for a full evaluation of the scientific rigor used by the authors to conduct their studies. Replication of the work is also not possible by viewing only the information in the abstracts. The proceedings will help readers form new ideas about foot classification and provide the opportunity to keep abreast of the scholarly activities of our colleagues. The abstracts provide a stimulus for dialogue about current topics that have the potential to shape our future practice.