Voice service being the major offering of telecommunication networks, its level of Quality of Service (QoS) largely determines the performance of these networks. This work evaluated the state-of-the-art Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) objective model for perceptual estimation of the quality of transmitted speech signals. Perceptual estimation of the quality of speech is predominantly done by subjective techniques and the results presented as Mean Opinion Scores (MOS), which has a scale from 1 for poor quality to 5 for excellent quality. Despite constraints of the subjective approach to perceptual speech quality estimation, its scores serves as the basis for correlating quality scores from objective techniques for speech quality estimation. Original or reference speeches were recorded using professional studio equipment and software, and guided by provisions of ITU-T P.830. The speeches were transmitted over three mobile wireless networks. A speech database consisting of 64 original (32 male and 32 female) and 192 transmitted speeches was developed. Reference speeches and their corresponding transmitted (network-degraded) speeches were tested on the PESQ model to estimate their quality scores. The raw PESQ quality scores are within the scale range of -0.5 and 4.5. They were mapped to the MOS scale for linear comparison of the scales. Study of PESQ model showed several shortcomings, some of which have been improved upon by previous researchers. Evaluating PESQ mapping function (in ITU-T Rec P.862.1) showed the need for better coverage of the MOS scale. Analysis of solution for the logistic growth function was done and parameters were optimised which resulted in the development of a new robust logistic mapping function. The raw PESQ quality scores were mapped using the developed mapping function as well as two known standard mapping functions, namely: ITU-T P.862.1 and Morfitt and Cotanis mapping functions. The mapped scores known as PESQ MOS-listening quality objective (PESQ MOS-LQO) obtained with the three functions were tested using ANOVA at a significant figure of . The developed logistic mapping function offered a quality score coverage of 98.6% of the MOS scale. This was evaluated against the two known standard mapping functions and the developed function offered improvement of 11.8 and 4.9% over and above their 86.8 and 93.7% coverage of the MOS scale respectively. At the significance level of , an F-value of 60.6042, a critical-F of 3.04, and a p-value of 4.61721E-21 were obtained. With p < 0.05, the Null Hypothesis was rejected, and the critical-F value being less than the F-statistic value confirmed the rejection. Therefore, the data distribution of at least one of the functions has a different mean and belongs to a separate population of performance.