In this paper, we build up two observability inequalities from measurable sets in time for some evolution equations in Hilbert spaces from two different settings. The equation reads: u ′ = Au, t > 0, and the observation operator is denoted by B. In the first setting, we assume that A generates an analytic semigroup, B is an admissible observation operator for this semigroup (cf. [36]), and the pair (A, B) verifies some observability inequality from time intervals. With the help of the propagation estimate of analytic functions (cf. [35]) and a telescoping series method provided in the current paper, we establish an observability inequality from measurable sets in time. In the second setting, we suppose that A generates a C 0 semigroup, B is a linear and bounded operator, and the pair (A, B) verifies some spectral-like condition. With the aid of methods developed in [2] and [29] respectively, we first obtain an interpolation inequality at one time, and then derive an observability inequality from measurable sets in time. These two observability inequalities are applied to get the bang-bang property for some time optimal control problems.Key words. Evolution equations in Hilbert spaces, observability inequality in measurable sets, telescoping series method, propagation estimate of analytic functions, bang-bang property of time optimal controls AMS Subject Classifications. 93B07, 93C25