Quasiparticles are physically motivated mathematical constructs for simplifying the seemingly complicated many-body description of solids. A complete understanding of their dynamics and the nature of the effective interactions between them provides rich information on real material properties at the microscopic level. In this work, we explore the dynamics and interactions of magnon quasiparticles in a ferromagnetic spin-1 Heisenberg chain with easy-axis onsite anisotropy, a model relevant for the explanation of recent terahertz optics experiments on NiNb2O6 [P. Chauhan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 037203 (2020)], and nonequilibrium dynamics in ultra cold atomic settings [W.C. Chung et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 163203 (2021)]. We build a picture for the properties of clouds of few magnons with the help of exact diagonalization and density matrix renormalization group calculations supported by physically motivated Jastrow wavefunctions. We show how the binding energy of magnons effectively reduces with their number and explain how this energy scale is of direct relevance for dynamical magnetic susceptibility measurements. This understanding is used to make predictions for ultra coldatomic platforms which are ideally suited to study the thermalization of multimagnon states. We simulate the nonequilibrium dynamics of these chains using the matrix product state based time-evolution block decimation algorithm and explore the dependence of revivals and thermalization on magnon density and easy-axis onsite anisotropy (which controls the strength of effective magnon interactions). We observe behaviors akin to those reported for many-body quantum scars which we explain with an analytic approximation that is accurate in the limit of small anisotropy.