Herrn Prof. W . Müller-Warmuth zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet Is solid state 91 Zr NMR feasible? 91Zr solid state NMR spectra have been observed for samples possessing different zirconium local-site environments (e.g. phosphates, fluorides). Depending on the quadrupole coupling, different NMR experiments have been utilized. In case of weak quadrupole coupling, magic angle spinning (MAS) is suitable. Otherwise, spin echo techniques are necessary to overcome "acoustic ringing" and receiver dead-time limitations. Using the step echo method, the detection of the very broad 91Zr signals is not limited by non-uniform spectral excitation. The obtained 91Zr chemical shifts range from -246 ppm to 208 ppm, the quadrupole coupling frequencies from 50 kHz to 2.7 MHz.