One-dimensional Bose gases are a useful testing-ground for quantum dynamics in many-body theory. They allow experimental tests of many-body theory predictions in an exponentially complex quantum system. Here we calculate the dynamics of a higher-order soliton in the mesoscopic case of N = 10 3 − 10 4 particles, giving predictions for quantum soliton breather relaxation. These quantum predictions use a truncated Wigner approximation, which is a 1/N expansion, in a regime where other exactly known predictions are recovered to high accuracy. Such dynamical calculations are testable in forthcoming BEC experiments.Techniques for observing near lossless quantum dynamics have led to quantitative tests of quantum field dynamics in photonic systems [1][2][3][4]. Improvements in ultra-cold quantum gas experiments mean that these experiments can now also compare first principles calculations of many-body quantum dynamics with observations [5]. The 1D Bose gas, with its well-understood conservation laws [6] and exact solutions [7,8] is an excellent testing ground for these ideas. Second-order correlations in thermal equilibrium with repulsive interactions have been predicted [9][10][11][12] and verified experimentally [13,14]. In these systems, there is evidence of steady-states that do not have a Gibbs structure [15,16]. Attractive matter-wave solitons have also been experimentally observed [17][18][19][20][21][22].Here we show that the dynamical stability of higherorder matter-wave solitons prepared by quenching is experimentally testable. Fragmentation and damping of breathing oscillations [23,24] are predicted to persist even up to a mean particle number of N = 1000. These calculations use the truncated Wigner approximation, which is a 1/N expansion [25][26][27]. Known conserved quantities are replicated with high accuracy. This is a regime accessible to current BEC experiments [22,24,28]. We show that direct experimental tests of predictions for soliton fragmentation and centerof-mass dynamics are possible in an exponentially complex regime where exact calculation is extremely difficult.Fragmentation causes a decay in oscillation that is predicted to happen gradually, without the abrupt changes after a short evolution time found by variational methods [29]. Such methods are known to disagree with exact COM spreading results [30], which means that they violate Galilean invariance [31]. We show that this is because the number of dissociation channels is much larger than the number of variational modes used in such calculations. The oscillation decay found here is slower than predicted at very small particle number [23], and also less pronounced than the predicted fragmentation at small N obtained from exact analysis [24]. However, this difference is qualitatively consistent with the scaling we find with N : where fragmentation and breather relaxation are reduced as N increases.Here we investigate the dynamics of a higher-order soliton or breather. In this case, even more dramatic effects can occur due to quantum fragment...