Grâce à une détermination théorique de 03B1, nous en déduisons M1 = ( 2014 3,11 ± 0,48) 10-5|03BC03B2| /c. Abstract 2014 The 6S1/2 -8S1/2 caesium transition is excited in a Stark field, with a pulsed narrow-band nitrogenpumped dye-laser. It is detected by monitoring the fluorescence light emitted in the 8S1/2 -6P1/2 decay. The scalarto-vector off-diagonal polarizability ratio is obtained : 03B1/03B2 = -4.8 ± 0.5. The M1 amplitude is observed through the electronic polarization created in 8S1/2 by its interference with the Stark-induced amplitude. We obtain M1/03B2 = ( -9.15 ± 1.05) V/cm. Using a theoretical determination of 03B1, we deduce M1