The positive parity χ cJ (2P) charmonium states are expected to lie around the 3.9 GeV/c 2 energy region, according to the predictions of quark models. However, a plethora of states with difficult assignment and unconventional properties have been discovered over the years, i.e., the X(3872), X(3940), Y (3940), X(3915), X(3860) and the X(3930) resonances, which complicates the description of this intriguing region. In this work we analyze the 0 ++ and 2 ++ sectors, employing a coupled-channels formalism successfully applied to the 1 ++ sector, where the X(3872) was described as a DD * + h.c. molecule with a sizable cc (2 3 P 1 ) component. This coupled-channels formalism is based on a widely-used Constituent Quark Model, which describes the quark-quark interactions, and the 3 P 0 quark pair creation mechanism, used to couple the two and four quark sectors. The recent controversy about the quantum numbers of the X(3915) state, the properties of the X(3930) one and the nature of the new X(3860) resonance are analyzed in a unified theoretical framework, being all the parameters completely constrained from previous calculations in the low-lying heavy quarkonium phenomenology.