The isotope effect in impure high T c superconductors. The influence of various kinds of impurities on the isotope shift exponent α of high temperature superconductors has been studied. In these materials the dopant impurities, like Sr in La2−xSrxCuO4, play different role and usually occupy different sites than impurities like Zn, Fe, Ni etc intentionally introduced into the system to study its superconducting properties. In the paper the in-plane and out-of-plane impurities present in layered superconductors have been considered. They differently affect the superconducting transition temperature Tc. The relative change of isotope shift coefficient, however, is an universal function of Tc/Tc0 (Tc0 reffers to impurity free system) i.e. for angle independent scattering rate and density of states function it does not depend whether the change of Tc is due to in-or out-of-plane impurities. The role of the anisotropic impurity scattering in changing oxygen isotope coefficient of superconductors with various symmetries of the order parameter is elucidated. The comparison of the calculated and experimental dependence of α/α0, where α0 is the clean system isotope shift coefficient, on Tc/Tc0 is presented for a number of cases studied. The changes of α calculated within stripe model of superconductivity in copper oxides resonably well describe the data on La1.8Sr0.2Cu1−x(F e, N i)xO4, without any fitting parameters.