This paper presents existence theories for several families of axisymmetric solitary waves on the surface of an otherwise cylindrical ferrofluid jet surrounding a stationary metal rod. The ferrofluid, which is governed by a general (nonlinear) magnetisation law, is subject to an azimuthal magnetic field generated by an electric current flowing along the rod.The ferrohydrodynamic problem for axisymmetric travelling waves is formulated as an infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian system in which the axial direction is the time-like variable. A centre-manifold reduction technique is employed to reduce the system to a locally equivalent Hamiltonian system with a finite number of degrees of freedom, and homoclinic solutions to the reduced system, which correspond to solitary waves, are detected by dynamical-systems methods. * Fachrichtung 6.We consider an incompressible, inviscid ferrofluid of unit density in the regionbounded by the free interface {r = R + η(θ, z, t)} and a current-carrying wire at {r = 0}, where (r, θ, z) are cylindrical polar coordinates. The fluid is subject to a static magnetic field and the surrounding regionis a vacuum (see Figure 1). Travelling waves move in the axial direction with constant speed c and without change of shape, so that η(θ, z, t) = η(θ, z − ct). We are interested in particular in axisymmetric solitary waves for which η does not depend upon θ and η(z − ct) → 0 as z − ct → ±∞. Waves of this kind for ferrofluids with a linear magnetisation law have been investigated using a weakly nonlinear approximation by Rannacher & Engel [18], experimentally by Bourdin, Bacri & Falcon [4] and numerically by Blyth & Parau [3]. In this paper we present a rigorous existence theory for small-amplitude solitary waves and consider fluids with a general (nonlinear) magnetisation law. Our starting point is a formulation of the hydrodynamic problem as a reversible Hamiltonian systemin which the axial coordinate z plays the role of time,φ is a variable related to the fluid velocity potential φ and ω,ζ are the momenta associated with the coordinates η,φ. The spatial Hamiltonian system (1.1) is derived from a variational principle for the governing equations in Section 3; it depends upon two dimensionless physical parameters α and β (see equation (2.6) for precise definitions) and the (dimensionless) magnitude m 1 (|H 1 |) of the magnetic intensity corresponding to the magnetic field H 1 in the ferrofluid. Homoclinic solutions of (1.1) (solutions with (η, ω,φ,ζ) → 0 as z → ±∞) are of particular interest since they correspond to solitary waves. We detect such solutions using a technique known as the Kirchgässner reduction (Section 4), in which a centre-manifold reduction principle is used to show that all small, globally bounded solutions of a spatial (Hamiltonian) evolutionary system solve a (Hamiltonian) system of ordinary differential equations, whose solution set can in principle be determined. In this fashion we reduce (1.1) to a Hamiltonian system with finitely many degrees of freedom which can be treated...