The spin galvanic effect (SGE) describes the conversion of a non-equilibrium spin polarization into a transverse charge current. Recent experiments have demonstrated a large conversion efficiency for the two-dimensional electron gas formed at the interface between two insulating oxides, LaAlO3 and SrTiO3. Here we analyze the SGE for oxide interfaces within a three-band model for the Ti t2g orbitals which displays an interesting variety of effective spin-orbit couplings in the individual bands that contribute differently to the spin-charge conversion. Our analytical approach is supplemented by a numerical treatment where we also investigate the influence of disorder and temperature, which turns out to be crucial to provide an appropriate description of the experimental data.PACS numbers: 71.70.Ej, 72.20.Dp, The spin galvanic effect (SGE) is the generation of an electrical current by a non-equilibrium spin density. The latter may be obtained by optical or magnetic pumping. There exists also the inverse effect (ISGE) by which the spin of free carriers can be oriented by an applied electric field. The SGE effect was first predicted [1] and then observed for Te crystals [2]. About a decade later, the SGE was studied theoretically [3][4][5] in the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) arising from the asymmetry of the quantum well [6]. The effect was later observed in quantum wells by absorption of polarized light [7][8][9]. Whereas at microscopic level the coupling between the spin polarization and the electrical current is provided by the SOC, the origin of the effect rests on the restricted symmetry conditions of gyrotropic media, where polar and axial vectors transform according to the same representation (c.f. the review by Ganichev et al., [10]). The conditions of sizable SOC and lack of inversion symmetry can be obtained also in other physical systems. Recently, indeed, the SGE has been observed at a silver-bismuth interface where the non-equilibrium spin polarization has been pumped by an adjacent ferromagnetic layer with a precessing magnetization [11]. Magnetic spin pumping was successively used to observe the SGE in a number of different interface systems as in ferromagnetictopological insulators [12,13] and ferromagnetic-oxide systems [14][15][16]. In the latter case, the oxide being a heterostructure of LaAlO 3 (LAO) and SrTiO 3 (STO), the complex band structure originating from the Ti orbitals may lead to a richer phenomenology [17,18], as compared to other systems where the standard continuum 2DEG model with spin-orbit split bands provides a good quantitative and qualitative understanding of the effect. Indeed, the spin-polarization induced transverse voltage V SGE can be modulated by gating the heterostructure which changes the chemical potential µ, i.e. the carrier density in the 2D interface layer. Quite dramatically, a sign change occurs [15] in V SGE at a particular value of µ, and has been attributed to a Lifshitz transition, where the d xz , d ...