Terry J.L.
February 1986
Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, MA 02139 USA
Submitted for publication in: Physical Review LettersThis work was supported by the U.S.
Department of Energy ContractNo. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted.By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper.
Energy Confinement of Lower
ABSTRACTThe energy content of high density purely lower hybrid current-driven plasmas has been measured under a variety of operating conditions on the Alcator C tokamak. The energy stored in the current-carrying electron tail can be a large fraction of the total kinetic energy in an rf-driven plasma, while the energy residing in the bulk plasma is comparable to that of a similar ohmic discharge. At densities iie < 3 x 1013 cm-3 , the global confinement time of the rf-driven plasma is similar to that of an ohmic plasma, but degrades relative to its ohmic counterpart at higher densities and/or rf powers. Here, ii is the line-averaged electron density, I, is the plasma current, R, is the plasma major radius, and Prf is the net injected rf power. The density scaling of the current drive efficiency is in agreement with the theoretical supposition that the major loss of the superthermal electrons is due to collisions with bulk electrons; i.e. that tail energy is transformed primarily into plasma thermal energy. Regarding the overall energy confinement properties of such plasmas, it is important to note that rf current-driven plasmas represent auxiliary-heated discharges in which the plasma is maintained and heated entirely by non-ohmic power. In this Letter, we present measurements of the energy content and global energy confinement times of rf-driven plasmas and compare them with measurements in similar ohmic plasmas. Energy confinement studies of lower hybrid current-driven discharges at low densities (ie < 1013 cm~3 ) have also been reported recently from the PETULA-B 4 and ASDEX 5 tokamaks. In the present study however, experiments have been performed in a reactor-relevant regime at densities up to ie = 8 x 1013 cm~3The confinement experiments were performed on the Alcator C tokamak (R,= 64 cm., a=16.5 cm.) in the parameter range ,e=2-8x 1013 cm-3, B=7-11 T, I,=100-200 kA, q(a)>8, Zeff=1.5-2, Prf < 1.0 MW at f = 4.6 GHz in hydrogen discharges with molybdenum limiters. Electron temperature profiles were measured with a five-channel Thomson scattering system and the central ion temperature was 2 determined by charge-exchange analysis. Plasmas of constant current were maintained by injection of sufficient rf power into ohmically-created target plasmas; during the rf current-drive phase, no current flowed in the ohmic primary circuit and the loop voltage was reduced to zero. Following temperature measurements on rf-driven plas...