We describe possibilities of spontaneous, degenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) processes in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. Phase matching conditions (i.e., energy and momentum conservation laws) in such systems allow one to identify four different configurations characterized by involvement of distinct spinor states in which such a process can take place. We derived these conditions from first principles and then illustrated dynamics with direct numerical simulations. We found, among others, the unique configuration, where both probe waves have smaller group velocity than pump wave and proved numerically that it can be observed experimentally under proper choice of the parameters. We also reported the case when two different FWM processes can occur simultaneously. The described resonant interactions of matter waves is expected to play an important role in the experiments of BEC with artificial gauge fields. Beams created by FWM processes are an important source of correlated particles and can be used in the experiments testing quantum properties of atomic ensembles. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische GesellschaftNew J. Phys. 22 (2020) 053019 N V Hung et almomentum and energy conservation laws. These are often quite demanding constraints depending on the particular form of dispersion relation characteristic for the system under investigation. For instance, in one dimension they cannot be satisfied for a system of cold atoms obeying parabolic dispersion relation and confined to (quasi-)one dimension. The situation can be improved by artificial change of the dispersion law using linear optical lattices [7][8][9] or by the manipulation of the wavenumbers of the matter waves involved in the process by means of nonlinear lattices [10,11]. These modifications introduce the internal texture to the propagation medium, making it inherently inhomogeneous.If a system has a spinor nature, i.e., consists of two subsystems, an alternative way to manipulate the linear properties of the medium, even preserving homogeneity, is to employ coherent coupling of the constituents. In optics, for example, one can satisfy the matching conditions for the FWM of light propagating in homogeneous parity-time (PT )-symmetric coupled waveguides with gain and losses [12]. One can also consider the matching conditions, and thus observation of the FWM in PT -symmetric optical lattices which are available experimentally [13]. And yet another interesting application was demonstrated in multi-component vector solitons consisting of two perpendicular FWM dipole components created by electromagnetically induced gratings [14].A similar situation naturally occurs for spinor Bose-Einstein condensate, where coupling between two atomic states by means of the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) allows one to manipulate the dispersion relation in the presence of external potential. This idea becomes attractive, since using various experimental techniques, spin-orbit-coupled ...