We measure the interaction of a single superfluid vortex with surface irregularities. While vortex pinning in superconductors usually becomes weaker at higher temperatures, we find the opposite behavior. The pinning steadily increases throughout our measurement range, from 0.15Tc to over 0.5Tc. We also find that moving the other end of the vortex decreases the pinning, so we propose Kelvin waves along the vortex as a depinning mechanism.PACS numbers: 67.40.Vs, 74.60.GePinning sites can trap vortices in a variety of systems. In superconductors, where vortex motion leads to nonzero resistance, a vast amount of work has been devoted to preventing such motion by introducing defects. Experimental work has shown that defects comparable in size to the vortex core make effective pin centers, and that straight [1] or splayed [2] line defects can increase the pin strength. Yet the mechanisms by which vortices interact with pin sites remain unresolved. Experimentally, pinning in superconductors becomes weaker as temperature increases, in accord with the general assumption that depinning occurs through thermal activation over local energy barriers. In some materials, a constant rate of vortex motion at low temperature indicates a crossover to quantum tunneling between pin sites [3]. No experiments have been able to probe the actual interactions. Similar issues appear in studies of neutron stars [4], where vortex pinning or friction could account for angular momentum irregularities [5].Here we report studies of a single vortex line in superfluid helium. We observe a steady increase of pinning as temperature increases, for 0.15 < T /T c < 0.6, and suggest that this unusual temperature dependence comes from the interaction of the pin site with oscillations along the vortex line. Studying one vortex rather than a sizeable collection simplifies some of the issues in pinning. Helium is also unusual in that the pinning occurs only at the end of the vortex, so our vortex interacts with a single pin site. Surface pinning dominates in superconductors as well for very clean samples [6,7] or those with surface structures such as magnetic dots [8].Our measurements use a brass cylinder, 50 mm long and filled with liquid helium. A fine superconducting wire, about 12 µm diameter, is stretched along the cell, displaced from the cylinder's axis by about 0.8 mm. The data reported here come from two cells, one drilled with inner diameter 2.9 mm (cell A) and the other reamed to diameter 3.1 mm (cell B). The walls of cell B appear smoother. A pumped 3 He cryostat can cool the cell to 300 mK. We apply a 250 G field perpendicular to the wire. A current pulse of a few milliamperes through the wire excites the wire's vibration by a Lorentz force. The ensuing motion in the magnetic field induces an emf across the wire, which we amplify and digitize.In the presence of fluid circulation, vorticity can become trapped on the wire. Trapped circulation alters the wire's vibrational normal modes and splits the fundamental frequency [9,10], causing the plane...