We show that (near-)zero energy proton emission from H + 2 in strong two-color and broadband laser fields is dominated by a stimulated Raman scattering process taking place on the electronic ground state. It is furthermore shown that in the (near-)zero energy region the asymmetry in proton ejection induced by asymmetric laser fields is due to the interplay of several processes, rather than only pathway interferences, with vibrational trapping (or bond-hardening) taking a key role. PACS numbers: 33.80.Gj, 42.50.Hz, Much of our understanding used in the research on manipulating molecular reactions with strong, tailored light fields [1][2][3][4][5] is footed on work done on H 2 [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Key concepts emerging from the research on H 2 are, e.g., the emergence of light-induced molecular potentials (LIPs) [18,19], bond-softening via the net-absorption of one [20,21], two [21,22] or more [23, 24] photons, or bond-hardening [25-29], also known as molecular stabilization or vibrational trapping (VT); see the reviews Refs. [18,19,30,31] for further details. However, even for this simplest of all molecules there exist still a number of issues awaiting clarification, in particular in the family of bond-hardening phenomena. Examples include direct experimental confirmation of light-induced conical intersections (LICIs) [32][33][34][35], or a generally accepted picture of the concept of trapping that has been challenged by McKenna et al. [36].Here, we focus on a bond-hardening process that leads to protons with (near-)zero kinetic energy during the dissociation H + 2 → H + + H. This dissociation pathway has been predicted [25] and observed [28] decades ago. It has been explained as bond-hardening at the zero-photon crossing of the Floquet ladder through dissociation involving the net-absorption of zero photons (zero photon dissociation, ZPD) [25,27,28]. However, because during ionization of H 2 at the Franck-Condon region the probability for populating vibrational levels higher than ν = 5 is small, it necessitates laser wavelengths 400 nm to efficiently drive this process [25,28]. Several recent experiments have shown that the yield of protons with (near-)zero energy increases particularly strongly when two-color laser fields are used to drive the H 2 dissociation process, e.g., Refs. [15,16,29,[37][38][39]. But also in experiments [12,13,40] and simulations [23,24] applying fewcycle pulses with a broadband spectrum centered around 730 − 750 nm a notable enhancement of the (near-)zero energy proton yield was observed. The appearance of these low-energy protons in two-color fields was explained by a two-step process, where after ionization a 400-nm photon is resonantly absorbed at a stretched H-H + bond to transiently populate the 2pσ u state and, subsequently, at a still further stretched bond, a 800-nm photon is emitted, returning the population to the 1sσ g state where H + 2 finally dissociates via the net-absorption of zero photons (ZPD), see, e.g., Refs. [15,29,37,39]. To stress the inv...