Thermal decoherence is a major obstacle to the realization of quantum coherence for massive mechanical oscillators. Although optical trapping has been used to reduce the thermal decoherence rate for such oscillators, it also increases the rate by subjecting the oscillator to stochastic forces resulting from the frequency fluctuations of the optical field, thereby setting a fundamental limit on the reduction. This is analogous to the noise penalty in an active feedback system. Here, we directly measure the rethermalizaton process for an initially cooled and optically trapped suspended mirror, and identify the current limiting decoherence rate as due to the optical trap. Our experimental study of the trap-induced decoherence rate will enable future advances in the probing of fundamental quantum mechanics in the bad cavity regime, such as testing of deformed commutators. Introduction.-Various types of optical potentials have been used to change the dynamics of mechanical systems, including atoms, thin membranes and suspended mirrors in order to, e.g. observe signatures of shot-noise radiation-pressure fluctuations [1], enhance the quality factor of the system [2], and improve the sensitivity of gravitational-wave detectors [3][4][5][6]. Since an optical potential works as an ideal spring for the trapped mode in terms of energy dissipation, it can reduce the number of quanta in the mode (the so-called "optical dilution" effect) so that even a low-frequency massive oscillator will exhibit quantum behavior [7]. Progress towards this quantum regime is underway [2,[8][9][10] in the field of cavity optomechanics [11] particularly in the bad cavity regime, where the optical linewidth is broader than that of the mechanical resonance. Although the bad cavity condition is often not promising in terms of coherence because of the slow mechanical oscillation, it enables us to detect gravitational-waves [12], and potentially to probe deformed commutators [13,14], generate entangled states [15][16][17], and test wavefunction collapse models [18][19][20][21][22].