We overview several recent experimental and numerical observations, which are at odds with the Vortex Glass theory of the freezing of disordered vortex matter. To reinvestigate the issue, we performed numerical simulations of the overdamped London -Langevin model, and use finite size scaling to analyze the data. Upon approaching the transition the initial Vortex Glass type criticality is arrested at some crossover temperature. Below this temperature the timescales continue growing very quickly, consistent with the Vogel-Fulcher form, while the spatial correlation length ξ stops exhibiting any observable divergence. We call this mode of freezing the Vortex Molasses scenario.PACS numbers: 74.60.Ge, 74.25.DwThe influence of disorder on vortex matter is one of the most paradigmatic problems. The vortex lattice, formed in clean systems, is inherently unstable towards a less ordered state even for infinitesimally small disorder [1]. At small magnetic fields, or equivalently, at weak disorder, a dislocation free phase is emerges, which thus retains a topological order. Small angle neutron scattering [2], and Bitter decoration experiments [3] seem to support this picture. The theoretical foundation for such a Bragg Glass was provided by scaling arguments [4], and variational calculations [5]. Its cornerstone is the logarithmic behaviour of vortex correlations at large distances. Numerical simulations also reported a strongly suppressed dislocation density [6], and confirmed the logarithmic behaviour of correlations [7] below a critical field strength. It is noteworthy, however, that the largest scale imaging studies [8], did not find evidence for logarithmic correlations, thus the details of the dislocation free regime are still subject to discussion.We also understand the influence of increasing fields, or disorder. The key phenomenon here is the appearance of dislocation loops, accompanied by the entanglement of vortices [9,10]. Experimental support for this idea is the sharp enhancement of the critical current from magnetization measurements [11][12][13][14], the rapid destruction of the Bragg peaks in neutron scattering [2], and the pronounced dips in the electric field -current density, or E-J curves [15]. Numerical studies found evidence for dislocation loops destroying a quasi-ordered state in frustrated XY models [16], in Lawrence-Doniach representations [6], and in realistic London-Langevin approaches [7].The nature of the high field phase is still very much in debate. The thermally assisted flux flow (TAFF) picture predicts that vortices move in bundles, and overcome barriers via thermal excitations. This destroys superconductivity because the linear resistivity assumes a finite value, governed by an activated temperature dependence R(T ) ∼ R 0 exp(−U/T ) [17]. An influential alternative was put forward in the form of the Vortex Glass (VG) theory [18,19]. The proposed Vortex Glass phase is distinguished by an unbounded distribution of barrier heights. This results in the vanishing of the linear resistivity, th...