Based on a simplest molecular orbital theory of H + 2 , a three-parameter model potential function is proposed to describe ground-state diatomic systems with closed-shell and/or S-type valence-shell constituents over a significantly wide range of internuclear distances. More than 200 weakly and strongly bound diatomics have been studied, including neutral and singly-charged diatomics (e.g., H2, Li2, LiH, Cd2, Na + 2 , and RbH − ), long-range bound diatomics (e.g., NaAr, CdNe, He2, CaHe, SrHe, and BaHe), metastable molecular dications (e.g., BeH++ , AlH ++ , Mg ++ 2 , and LiBa ++ ), and molecular trications (e.g., YHe+++ and ScHe +++ ).PACS numbers: 34.20.-b, 33.15.-e, 21.45.+v, 36.40.-c, 83.10.-y, 82.20.-w Modeling the interaction potential of diatomic systems is of fundamental importance to many issues [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], including atom-atom collisions, molecular spectroscopy, prediction of cluster structures, molecular dynamics simulation, chemical reactivity, matter-wave interferometry, and transport properties for more complex systems. Also of great interest are the potential functions for long-lived metastable doubly-or multiplycharged ions [9] that are relevant to high-density energy storage materials and to characterization and analytical methods for biosystems.Modern spectroscopy, diffraction, and scattering techniques [1, 3] provide a direct experimental approach to studies of interaction potentials of diatomic systems. In particular, diatomic potentials can be inferred from the spectroscopy data by three general approaches [10]: (i) the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) Rydberg-KleinRees (RKR) method, (ii) the WKB-based Dunham approach, and (iii) semiempirical or empirical procedures. On the theoretical side, a diatomic potential curve may be predicted directly by ab initio calculations [11] and quantum Monte Carlo simulations [12]. These theoretical methods can, in principle, be very accurate when sufficient electronic configurations are included in the calculations, but can be prohibitively expensive in weakly bound systems [2] and/or many-electron systems [3].Numerous attempts to analytically model diatomic potentials have been made [3,5,10,13,14,15,16]. The well-known potential functions include Morse, Born-Mayer, Hulburt-Hirschfelder, Rosen-Morse, Rydberg, Pöschl-Teller, Linnett, Frost-Musulin, Varshni III, Lippincott, Lennard-Jones, and Maitland-Smith potentials [3,10], as well as the celebrated Tang-Toennies potential [5] and the recently proposed Morse-based potentials [13]. These potentials usually aim to describe either strongly or weakly bound, neutral or singlycharged diatomics and often lose their validity for either small or relatively large internuclear distance (denoted R hereafter). Thus, recent effort has been devoted to the construction of hybrid potentials, which use different functions for different interaction regions of The goal of this Letter is twofold. First, we propose a molecular-orbital theory based approach to obtain a very simple analytical potential of diatomic systems. ...