We calculate the quantum correlations existing among the three output fields (pump, signal, and idler) of a triply resonant non-degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillator operating above threshold. By applying the standard criteria [P. van Loock and A. Furusawa, Phys. Rev. A 67, 052315 (2003)], we show that strong tripartite continuous-variable entanglement is present in this well-known and simple system. Furthermore, since the entanglement is generated directly from a nonlinear process, the three entangled fields can have very different frequencies, opening the way for multicolored quantum information networks. [3], all with different resonance frequencies. These systems will probably be used in nodes of quantum networks, implying the necessity of devising ways to address them without loss of quantum information. For networks with several nodes, multipartite entangled light beams will be important to carry out such tasks.Most of the current realizations of entangled light beams are implemented by combining squeezed beams on beam splitters [4,5,6,7,8,9]. The beam splitter transformation is linear and does not lead to entangled beams of different frequencies. In order to produce multicolored entangled beams it is important to generate them directly from a nonlinear process. In the case of bipartite two-color entanglement, this has been done very recently, in the above-threshold optical parametric oscillator (OPO) [10,11,12].The OPO is the best known and most widely used source of entangled continuous variables for quantum information purposes [13]. Nevertheless, focus thus far has been on the down-converted beams it produces, usually overlooking quantum properties of the pump beam. Recent proposals for direct generation of tripartite entanglement use so-called cascaded nonlinearities, combining down-conversion and sum/subtraction frequency generation [14], which are not present in standard OPOs. In this Letter, we theoretically demonstrate that the standard triply resonant above-threshold OPO naturally produces pump-signal-idler tripartite entanglement. We show that the down-converted and the pump fields' noises violate inequalities which are sufficient for witnessing entanglement [13]. We believe this to be the simplest and most practical proposal of a multicolored multipartite entanglement source to date.For tripartite systems with subsystems (k, m, n), if the state is partially separable, the density operator can be written in the form of a statistical mixture of reduced density operatorsρ i,km andρ i,n :with weights η i ≥ 0 satisfying i η i = 1. A necessary condition for separability of two sub-systems was demonstrated by Duan et al. [15], in the form of an inequality: if it is violated, there is bipartite entanglement. This criterion is easily checked experimentally by measuring second order moments of combinations of operators acting on each of the subsystems. The inequality presented in Ref.[15] for the variances of two combinations of positions and momenta (x j ,p j ) of subsystems j = {1, 2} can be readil...