A Lie transformation is developed to study the structure of classical phase space for a perturbed Penning trap. In general, perturbations may result from imperfections or may be deliberately introduced into the system by the application of fields. We study the lowest order non-trivial perturbation in the trap, which is octupolar, using classical perturbation methods. The original three-degree-offreedom problem is reduced to a single degree of freedom by (i) symmetry arguments, (ii) generation of apt action-angle variables, and (iii) computation of the classical normal form. The phase space structure of the resulting normalized Hamiltonian, in the 1:1 resonance, is then analyzed. In the process we discover a saddle-node bifurcation. This approach provides for a global view of the reduced phase space, and, thereby, allows for a systematic study of the impact of several simultaneously applied perturbations.