A b s t r a c t . The influence of the production of the meson resonances e,f and Q on semi-inclusive no multiplicities and nOnO correlations is investigated in a Correlated J e t Model (CJM) for resonance production besides direct pion production. The model takes into account an exact global isospin conservation provided by a coherent state projection procedure and the local isospin conservation at the re8onance decay vertices. The resulting semi-inclusive no multiplicity (no)rr, yields a sufficient description of the data a t FXAL energies. This quantity is decomposed in the modcl into contributions from direct no production and from no coming from the decay of the different resonanms. Furthcrmore, the predictions of the CJM for the semiinclusive xOnO correlation coefficient is given and found t o be consistent with present data.
Resonanzproduktion und Korrolatmionen zwischen goladenon und neutralen x-MesonenI n h a l t s i i b e r s i c h t . I n einem korreliertcn J e t Modell (CJM), dw ncben direkter Erzeugung von n-Mesonen die Produktion von Resonanzen beriichiehtigt, wird der EinflnO der mesonischen Resonanzen e,f und o auf semiinklusive d' Multiplizitiiten und zOno Korrelationen untersucht. Das Modell enthllt durch Projektion koharenter Zustinde cine exakte globale IRospinerhaltung nnd lokale Isoapinerhaltung an den Resonanzzerfallsvertizes. Die resultierenden semiinklnsiven no Multiplizitiiten