We calculate expressions for the state-dependent quasiparticle lifetime, the thermal conductivity κ, the shear viscosity η, and discuss the spin diffusion coefficient D for Fermi-liquid films in two dimensions. The expressions are valid for low temperatures and arbitrary polarization. In two dimensions, as in three dimensions, the integrals over the transition rates factor into energy and angular parts. However, the angular integrations contain a weak divergence. This problem is addressed using the method of Miyake and Mullin. The low-temperature expressions for the transport coefficients are essentially exact. We find that κ −1 ∼ T ln T , and η −1 ∼ T 2 for arbitrary polarizations 0 ≤ P ≤ 1. These results are in agreement with earlier zero-polarization results of Fu and Ebner, but are in contrast with the discontinuous change in temperature dependence from T 2 ln T at P = 0 to T 2 at 0 < P < 1 that was found by Miyake and Mullin for D. We note that the shear viscosity requires a unique analysis. We utilize previously determined values for the density and polarization dependent Landau parameters to calculate the transition probabilities in the lowest order "ℓ = 0 approximation", and thus we obtain predictions for the density, temperature and polarization dependence of the thermal conductivity, shear viscosity, and spin diffusion coefficient for thin 3 He films. Results are shown for second layer 3 He films on graphite, and thin 3 He-4 He superfluid mixtures. The density dependence is discussed in detail. For κ and η we find roughly an order of magnitude increase in magnitude from zero to full polarization. For D a simialr large increase is predicted from zero polarization to the polarization where D is a maximum (∼ 0.74).We discuss the applicability of 3 He thin films to the question of the existence of a universal lower bound for the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density.