The achondroplastic mouse is a spontaneous mutant characterized by disproportionate dwarfism with short limbs and tail due to disturbed chondrogenesis during endochondral ossification. These abnormal phenotypes are controlled by an autosomal recessive gene (cn). In this study, linkage analysis using 115 affected mice of F 2 progeny mapped the cn locus on an ϳ0.8-cM region of chromosome 4, and natriuretic peptide receptor 2 (Npr2) gene was identified as the most potent candidate for the cn mutant in this region. This gene encodes a receptor for C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) that positively regulates longitudinal bone growth by producing cGMP in response to CNP binding to the extracellular domain. Sequence analyses of the Npr2 gene in cn/cn mice revealed a T to G transversion leading to the amino acid substitution of highly conserved Leu with Arg in the guanylyl cyclase domain. In cultured chondrocytes of cn/cn mice, stimulus with CNP did not significantly increase intracellular cGMP concentration, whereas it increased in ؉/؉ mice. Transfection of the mutant Npr2 gene into COS-7 cells also showed similar results, indicating that the missense mutation of the Npr2 gene in cn/cn mice resulted in disruption of the guanylyl cyclase activity of the receptor. We therefore concluded that the dwarf phenotype of cn/cn mouse is caused by a loss-offunction mutation of the Npr2 gene, and cn/cn mouse will be a useful model to further study the molecular mechanism regulating endochondral ossification by CNP/natriuretic peptide receptor B signal.The skeleton of vertebrates is formed by two different processes, namely intramembranous and endochondral ossifications. The latter process leads to the development of long bones that comprise the appendicular skeleton and vertebrae. During endochondral ossification, mesenchymal cells initially differentiate into chondrocytes, and progress through proliferating, maturating, and hypertrophic stages with strict columnar alignment. Distal hypertrophic chondrocytes then undergo apoptosis and are replaced by trabecular bone. A large number of genes have been implicated in the mechanisms regulating these processes (1), and mutations of these genes often cause skeletal dysplasias with shortened extremities (2, 3).The natriuretic peptide (NP) 1 family comprises atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) (4), and three receptors for NPs, including natriuretic peptide receptor A (NPRA), natriuretic peptide receptor B (NPRB), and natriuretic peptide receptor C (NPRC), have been identified in mammals (5-7). NPRA and NPRB consist of extracellular ligand binding, transmembrane, protein kinase homology, and guanylyl cyclase catalytic domains. These receptors mediate ligand signals by producing an intracellular second messenger, cyclic GMP (cGMP) (2). Both ANP and BNP bind to NPRA with high affinity, and CNP prefers binding to NPRB (8). NPRC has a ligand-binding domain and a short cytoplasmic domain that lacks guanylyl cyclase activity and i...