Various investigations have suggested that cytoplasmic streaming in characean algae is driven by interaction between subcortical actin bundles and endoplasmic myosin . To further test this hypothesis, we have perfused cytotoxic actin-binding drugs and fluorescent actin labels into the cytoplasm of streaming Chara cells. Confirming earlier work, we find that cytochalasin B (CB) reversibly inhibits streaming. In direct contrast to earlier investigators, who have found phalloidin to be a potent inhibitor of movement in amoeba, slime mold, and fibroblastic cells, we find that phalloidin does not inhibit streaming in Chara but does modify the inhibitory effect of CB . Use of two fluorescent actin probes, fluorescein isothiocyanateheavy meromyosin (FITC-HMM) and nitrobenzoxadiazole-phalIacid in (NBD-Ph), has permitted visualization of the effects of CB and phalloidin on the actin bundles. FITC-HMM labeling in perfused but nonstreaming cells has revealed a previously unobserved alteration of the actin bundles by CB . Phalloidin alone does not perceptibly alter the actin bundles but does block the alteration by CB if applied as a pretreatment . NBD-Ph perfused into the cytoplasm of streaming cells stains actin bundles without inhibiting streaming. NBD-Ph staining of actin bundles is not initially observed in cells inhibited by CB but does appear simultaneously with the recovery of streaming as CB leaks from the cells. The observations reported here are consistent with the established effects of phallotoxins and CB on actin in vitro and support the hypothesis that streaming is generated by actin-myosin interactions .The highly organized cytoplasmic streaming exhibited by the giant internodal cells of characean algae has long made these cells an attractive system for the study of cell motility (4) . Accumulated evidence has suggested that motility in a variety of eukaryotic cells is actomyosin-dependent (21) . Measurements of streaming-velocity profiles in characean cells have suggested that the motive force is generated primarily at the interface between the stationary ectoplasm and motile endoplasm (17) . Early ultrastructural studies have revealed the presence of microfilament bundles attached to the chloroplasts at this interface (26) . Subsequent electron and, more recently, fluorescence microscope studies using labeling by heavy meromyosin (20, 27, 29) or antiactin antibodies (45) have demonstrated the presence of actin in these subcortical microfilament bundles and established the unidirectional orientation of the actin filaments (19) . Other light microscope studies have suggested the presence of endoplasmic filaments that appeared to branch from the subcortical actin bundles and participate in the generation of the motive force (1, 2) .The demonstration of actin in characean cells has encouraged workers to search for evidence of myosin in these cells as well . Using a perfusion technique that permitted manipulation of internal pH and ion and ATP concentrations, Williamson observed the ATP-dependent moti...