“…in Fe-35aty0 A1 [55] and Fe-26atyo A1 [56], Ni,Ta [57], A1,Li [58], Ni,Ga [59], CuZn [go, 611, Fe-12.1 atyo Si [62], Ni,Fe [63], Ni,A1 [64], Cu,ZnNi [65], Cu,MnAl [66], NiAl [67]. However, such values must be considered carefully [68], in particular because the APB energy depends strongly on the state of order (it is approximately proportional to the square of the order parameter) : they should be compared with those obtained by other methods (field-ion microscopy [69], theoretical considerations). For the maximum order parameter, the APB energies lie between a few tens and several hundreds of mJ/m2 [66, 671, i.e.…”